
Late in 2016 the Mandurah Lions Club were requested for assistance to help a family with a 12 year old boy with a severe disability. He had outgrown his pusher and was too heavy for family members to lift him into their car.
The family had done some homework and found that Rocky Bay were selling a van with a hydraulic chair lifter.

Now where to find the cash for purchase.             Enter Mandurah Lions and club go-getter Des McLean.

They had raised $13,000, but were shy of $6,500 to complete the sale, so they approached Lions.
Des told the family that the Lions budget is quite limited, but in Mandurah we are fortunate enough to have

friends who support when they can. He made contact with Mandurah Murray Mayday Club and


Bendigo Bank of Halls Head both of whom take great pride in supporting our community.
Together with a letter from Lions seeking help and our supporters it developed into a win win situation,Des said.
Our story ends as a real tear jerker. Here is a family who now has a lovely van with a chair lifter, 
a son who can now join in on outings, shopping and all the nice things other families enjoy with a wheelchair that even the 12 year old can put into the van without anyone straining back muscles.   Mandurah Lions would like to extend their sincere thanks to those organisations and the community in general for their support.